Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet

Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet

4 Steps Runners Should Take to Help Prevent Extensor Tendonitis

Wallace Howell

For runners, there are few things more important to keep healthy than their feet, which is why you need to be aware of how to prevent extensor tendonitis from stopping you in your tracks. The extensor tendons run across the top of your foot and attach to your toes; they are used to pull the foot upward and help move the foot downward.

Like other tendons, the extensors are very strong, but they can be made to work too hard or become damaged from pressure. When this occurs, tiny tears are made across the tendon and it becomes inflamed. This is known as tendonitis, and it can occur across the extensor tendons if you don't take pains to prevent it.

Here are just four tips to do just that.

1. Don't Constrict the Foot

Extensor tendonitis is often caused because running shoes are too tight. The tendons will be rubbing up against the top of the shoe, and this can cause irritation over many miles and footfalls. Make sure you buy shoes that fit properly, and ensure that they aren't laced too tight against the top of your foot. Keep in mind that the feet tend to swell as you run, so laces may seem to get tighter — adjust them mid-run to compensate if they start feeling too tight.

2. Consider Using Tape for Longer Runs

When you go for a longer run, every part of your body is put under more strain, including the extensor tendons. When you go out on longer runs, think about putting some foam tape over the top of the foot, particularly if you've ever had pain in the area before. This will provide a buffer between the tendons and the top of the shoe.

3. Add Miles Slowly

Every runner must have heard this advice at some point, but it really is a good idea to add miles to your run slowly. By doing so, you'll avoid a whole host of possible problems, including extensor tendonitis. As well as adding miles slowly, make sure don't start running lots of hills out of nowhere 0151 incline is also something to build up gradually. Running uphill is a common cause of extensor tendonitis since it forces the tendons to contract and take excessive strain.

4. Rest If Any Pain is Felt

Like any other kind of tendonitis, extensor tendonitis tends to develop quite slowly rather than coming out of nowhere as a sudden burst of pain. If you notice a slight amount of discomfort along the top of your foot, don't run again until it has disappeared. In the meantime, use the trusty RICE method (Rest/Ice/Compression/Elevation).

Talk with podiatrists if you have any specific questions about the health of your feet.


2023© Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet
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Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet

Hi, my name is Julie, and in the past, I have been too embarrassed to wear sandals or flip flops to the beach. While all my friends had beautiful, silky smooth feet, I had crusty, dry and sometimes fungus-laden feet. My options seemed to be socks with sandals or avoiding the beach altogether. Since there was no way I was going to do either of those, I met with a podiatrist and launched on a journey to fix, protect and maintain my feet. Along the way, I learned a ton of facts, home remedies and foot protection strategies. I plan to include all of those ideas and more in this blog, and I hope the posts here help you.