Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet

Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet

  • 4 Steps Runners Should Take to Help Prevent Extensor Tendonitis

    For runners, there are few things more important to keep healthy than their feet, which is why you need to be aware of how to prevent extensor tendonitis from stopping you in your tracks. The extensor tendons run across the top of your foot and attach to your toes; they are used to pull the foot upward and help move the foot downward. Like other tendons, the extensors are very strong, but they can be made to work too hard or become damaged from pressure.

  • Understanding Causes of Foot Pain and Treatment Options

    Your feet may take more abuse and may suffer more wear and tear than you realize; after all, they carry your entire weight with every step, and often get crushed into ill-fitting shoes with socks that keep them overly warm and which rub and chafe at the skin. It's no wonder that foot pain is actually somewhat common! While this pain can often be very minor and subside after a few hours, there are some times when the cause of that pain will require intervention.

  • Common Podiatric Sports Injuries You Could Develop

    Whether you are taking part in sports activities competitively or are looking to get fit by engaging in exercise, there is always the risk of injury. The chances of becoming injured will also depend on the type of activity that you engage in as well as if your overall health. Here are some of the more common sports injuries that would require the attention of a podiatrist. A shin splint

  • When Should a Person Visit a Podiatrist?

    Your feet may be one of the last things you think about when it comes to your overall health and physical well being, but consider the pounding and abuse your feet go through every day, and especially when you're physically active, wear uncomfortable shoes, or stand all day. It's good to have your feet examined by a doctor at your regular checkups and other appointments, but note when it can be good to visit a podiatrist even between these visits.

2023© Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet
About Me
Protecting and Maintaining Graceful Beautiful Summertime Feet

Hi, my name is Julie, and in the past, I have been too embarrassed to wear sandals or flip flops to the beach. While all my friends had beautiful, silky smooth feet, I had crusty, dry and sometimes fungus-laden feet. My options seemed to be socks with sandals or avoiding the beach altogether. Since there was no way I was going to do either of those, I met with a podiatrist and launched on a journey to fix, protect and maintain my feet. Along the way, I learned a ton of facts, home remedies and foot protection strategies. I plan to include all of those ideas and more in this blog, and I hope the posts here help you.